Father Parthenios (Wayne Alan) Turner was born on September 3, 1950, Sandia Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM. His father was a military officer, serving several overseas assignments with his family. Graduated high school in 1968, went on to pursue higher education in the Fine Arts, Philosophy, Metaphysics and Greek language. Study in Greek language led him to the Greek Orthodox Church of Sts. Constantine and Helen, Honolulu, HI, 1977. Studied electrical engineering and worked in the electrical construction industry while pursuing his primary interest in Religious Studies.
Father and his wife of 27 years, Presvytera Marion, have three children: Hilary, Andrew, and Nicholai Anton. They started and ran a public Orthodox bookstore and café (Alektor Cafe and Books) near Vanderbilt and Belmont Universities for twelve years. Fr. Parthenios is the spiritual advisor for the Orthodox Christian Fellowship of the local universities. Presvytera does part-time tax preparation, and enjoys flower arranging. Father was a member of the adjunct faculty in the Electrical Engineering department at the local community college, tutored Biblical Greek, and had a popular Orthodox radio program at Vanderbilt University as a community volunteer for 7 years. Father was ordained to the Holy Priesthood at the Church of The Holy Resurrection, Allston, MA, on February 20, 2001 by Metropolitan Joseph of the Bulgarian Diocese of North America, as approved by the Holy Synod in Bulgaria. Father was graciously received by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit and incardinated in 2005. Father and Presvytera founded the church where he currently serves, St. John Chrysostom Greek Orthodox Church of Nashville. Together, they led the parish in the purchase of a church building, a new fellowship hall, the installation of a church courtyard with landscaping, and an adjoining property and building, which is being renovated for housing for Orthodox students. |